Pampering to you and your bubbles
Since 2013, Coravin has ensured that a drop is never wasted when you open one of your favorite wines – even if you just have to have a single glass. Coravin's ingenious wine preservation system is recognized by professionals worldwide, and now they are also launching a sparkling novelty for your precious bubbles.

A favorite for extending the life of your open bottle of wine
Sometimes a single glass is enough, and sometimes you just want to save the rest of the bottle for another good time. But how is it now? Can an open bottle from your favorite manufacturer last three or four days without getting boring? Or is it just two? Since 2013, Coravin has taken this worry off your shoulders, extending the life of your wine up to several months, even if you've taken a single glass or two from the bottle.
Coravin's ingenious preservation system for wines has won the world's best bars and restaurants, where it has suddenly become possible to serve even very expensive wines by the glass. The system works by inserting a thin needle through the wine's cork, through which the bottle is filled with so-called argon gas, which replaces the wine that is pressed up. You can then pour the wine into your glass, and after use you pull the needle out of the bottle, after which the cork closes on itself. Now you can store the wine until you feel like tasting it again.

Coravin Sparkling – bubbles' best friend
However, it is not only professional sommeliers who enjoy Coravin. It is also almost indispensable in an everyday scenario where there is no need for a whole bottle of wine with the meal.
But what if you want to treat yourself to a bubbly glass of sparkling wine on an ordinary Wednesday? Fear not, Coravin has just launched their innovative Coravin Sparkling system, which is specially developed for sparkling wine.
Coravin Sparkling uses CO2 instead of argon gas to preserve the bubbles in your sparkling wine, and then you have to take the cork out of the bottle when you want to pour yourself a glass, which after all is also part of the experience of drinking bubbles (listen if necessary to the Champagne Gallop on the same occasion). Otherwise, the principle is the same as with the other well-known Coravin models. When you have poured a glass, you simply put the smart Coravin Sparkling stopper over the bottle and then the bottle is filled with CO2, which gives your sparkling wine up to two weeks of life. Pretty easy, and pretty smart.